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Jon Gross
My name is Jon and I’m a 36 year old from the United States living in Ecuador. I was lost in Chile without knowing the language, the people or even how to keep warm at night. I was very poor and had no idea what the world was that I was living in. I heard words like "po" "cafecito" "poquito"... I knew some Spanish but these words were so hard to catch on too. I had just sold all of my possessions in the the United States to move to Chile and I was afraid of having to move back home and live with my parents. I was broke with nothing to show for it. I had a family to support that depended on me so they were at risk too.
It wasn't easy but I began to pick up a camera and share stories online that people could see and relate with. I would watch other YouTubers and study what they were doing and why they were doing it. I took the simple things in life and made them interesting on video. I edited late at night and walked miles to find internet and upload videos. I learned from my mistakes and slowly started to find things that others often overlook.
I realized that I had found things that were actually interesting and fun all around me. I felt connected to my community and the people that I would meet along the way. I was happier than ever before. People started to notice and ask for advice. That's when I decided to be a content creator, to help others find the good around them wherever they are.
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“These tips were spot on for our trip to Chile. Thank you for making these courses and for helping us make memories that will last forever.”
I’m working on creating more courses. If you have a specific place you want to visit, contact me and I’ll personally guide you in the right direction!
A good internet connection is needed in order to download video courses. Try to move your computer closer to internet source and you should be good to go!
I’m currently living in Quito, Ecuador but I also lived over seven years in Chile.
Without a doubt, pastel de choclo. If you travel to Chile you have to try it!