Travel Smart

Travel can be scary. With over 10 years traveling Latin America, I can help guide you to the most beautiful (and cheap) places in Latin America. If you want to know how to travel Latin America, the foods you should be trying or if you need to speak Spanish to travel to a country, I’ve got you covered. I’m here to help you make your trip unforgettable. Check out my travel courses to learn more about your next destination. Want a free get started kit? Sign up below with your email and I’ll send you a free starter kit!

Courses for all travelers.

Argentina? Chile? Colombia? Mexico? Wherever you want to go, I’ve got you covered!

Red Carpet Chic


Trendy Eyeshadows





“These tips were spot on for our trip to Chile. Thank you for making these courses and for helping us make memories that will last forever.”

Nice to meet you. I’m Jon.

It all begins with an idea to go somewhere. Usually, it’s a post on a website or social media that takes us to new places. If you want to learn more before purchasing a course, just shoot me a message!


  • I’m working on creating more courses. If you have a specific place you want to visit, contact me and I’ll personally guide you in the right direction!

  • A good internet connection is needed in order to download video courses. Try to move your computer closer to internet source and you should be good to go!

  • I’m currently living in Quito, Ecuador but I also lived over seven years in Chile.

  • Without a doubt, pastel de choclo. If you travel to Chile you have to try it!

Places you could see…

There are so many places you could travel and see. Take a look at some of the places before you buy your plane tickets. Maybe there’s a place you hadn’t thought of!

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